Since opening more than 30 years ago, Sunnyvale Stadium's "unhygienic and unacceptable" facilities are set for an upgrade.
Facilities that did not meet current building standards concerned the stadium operator, Green Island Combined Sports Bodies Inc, president Andrew Roberts said. The Dunedin suburban facility was used by about 550 members across four sporting codes and as a base for an after-school care and holiday programme, and "gets a thrashing", Mr Roberts said.
He approached the Saddle Hill Community Board at its meeting yesterday for assistance in upgrading the entrance and toilet facilities to "ensure they are up to a reasonable standard and provide sanitary conditions for the users".
"The current foyer areas are in a bad state of repair. The unsealed concrete blocks in the toilets are totally unhygienic and unacceptable to current standards," Mr Roberts said.
Storage facilities were also an issue, as the first-aid room and the office were being used to store sports gear. The group planned to address such issues.
The proposed upgrade consisted of piping hot water to the toilets, creating baby-changing facilities, plastering and painting toilet and entrance walls, and replacing toilet pans and cisterns and hand-washing facilities.
The total cost for the "urgent" upgrade was estimated at $8200. The group sought $4000 from the community board and was awarded $3000.
Mr Roberts said the contribution was "brilliant" and would allow work to begin as soon as possible.
The board supported the project and, as it was expected to take up to six months to complete, had invited the group to apply for further funding.
Dunedin city councillor Colin Weatherall offered support for the group to pursue other funding avenues and said he looked forward to a progress report.