Submissions close soon

Submissions on the Otago Regional Council's draft annual plan close at the end of this week.

The 2012-13 draft plan proposes a general rate increase of 5.34%, with the general rate take for the financial year budgeted to be $5.02 million (excluding GST), compared with $4.76 million in 2012-13.

The draft plan includes provision for implementing plan change 6A to the Otago water plan, which concentrates on controlling contaminants discharging from rural land to waterways.

Implementation of the proposed water plan changes would improve water quality where it had deteriorated, ORC chairman Stephen Woodhead said yesterday.

''About $8.6 million is programmed in 2013-14 for flood and drainage schemes. Of this, about $5.9 million will be spent on flood protection works for the Water of Leith between St David St and Union St, in Dunedin.''

A proposal to invest in a Tarras district irrigation scheme accounted for 2.4% of the proposed general rate increase.

Hearings for those who want to speak to their written submissions will be held during the week beginning May 13.

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