Study space extended at library

University of Otago property services director Barry MacKay outside the Bill Robertson library,...
University of Otago property services director Barry MacKay outside the Bill Robertson library, on Union St East, which is being extended as part of a $10 million refit. Photo by Allison Rudd.
Students from two tertiary institutions will soon have have extra study space alongside their reading material, after all.

After initially deciding it was too expensive to extend the Bill Robertson Library during a total overhaul of the 30-year-old facility, the University of Otago has changed its mind.

A 535sq m extension incorporating study and lounge space and an outside terrace area was well under way and was expected to be completed along with the refit in time for the start of the academic year next year, property services director Barry MacKay said yesterday.

The university had been able to take advantage of the current competitive contracting environment and complete the extension within the original $10 million renovation budget, he said.

The library, on Union St East, was built in the late 1970s for students at the former Dunedin College of Education, which merged with the university at the start of 2007. It is also the main library for Otago Polytechnic students.

The refit involves an extensive refurbishment and modernisation, new lifts, a new stairwell, a new audiovisual room, more individual and group study spaces, upgraded broadband facilities, deferred maintenance, a new sprinkler system and installation of fire-resistant partitions.

The cost is being met 50-50 by the university and a government grant received at the time of the merger.

The extension would provide a mix of informal and formal learning and interacting spaces within a library setting, Mr MacKay said.

"It will be similar to, but much smaller than, the concept of the [Great King St] Hunter Centre or the university central library."



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