Student volunteering option

The Otago University Students' Association (OUSA) is confident a pilot project allowing local students to apply for volunteering jobs on the Student Job Search website will be a success.

At its April 9 meeting, OUSA voted to allocate $9100 towards a six-month trial after SJS came up with a plan.

OUSA president Francisco Hernandez said it aimed to have the trial running by the end of June. The project would allow registered charities to advertise jobs on the SJS website, which would be put up alongside paid jobs.

SJS and the Scarfie Army would contact charities to involve them. He was confident the trial would be successful as students had indicated in surveys they wanted to be able to apply for volunteering work using SJS.

''Students actually do want to volunteer for things and they do want to give back to the community.''

The trial was part of Mr Hernandez's campaign promise to increase volunteering among students.


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