Still turning after 40 years

An important cog in the Mosgiel community is celebrating its 40th birthday.

Mosgiel Inner Wheel will celebrate its 40th anniversary next month.

A dinner to mark the occasion will be held at J. Tees Golf and Function Centre on the evening of October 11, Mosgiel Inner Wheel president Carol McRobie Shaw says.

''We are celebrating our 40th anniversary which is quite an achievement,'' she said.

''It is a big landmark for a small club.''

The club of 22 women would be joined by more than 20 guests including Inner Wheel lower South Island district chairwoman Christina King.

''It's a chance to catch up with some of the past members who can come,'' she said.

There would be no guest speaker at the dinner as ''I think there will be enough chit-chat between 40 ladies that there would need to be a guest speaker'', Mrs McRobie Shaw said, with a laugh.

Inner Wheel clubs were first formed to bring together the wives and partners of Rotarians, as Rotary Club did not initially allow women members.

It is now one of the largest women's service organisations in the world. More than 2000 members are spread among 58 clubs in New Zealand.

The clubs, both in New Zealand and those abroad, often banded together to raise funds or awareness for causes, Mrs McRobie Shaw said.

''We can only be a small pebble among the river, but we do tend to help out internationally if we can,'' she said.

''It's never a big thing from a club our size but every little bit helps.''

Last year, the Mosgiel Inner Wheel raised about $1500 for St John from a charity garage sale.


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