A conditional contract to build the $198 million Awatea St stadium could be signed within days.
Carisbrook Stadium Trust chairman Malcolm Farry said yesterday the trust would meet today to consider the contract it had been negotiating since February with Hawkins Construction.
The meeting was to decide "whether we are happy to recommend signing of it or whether we need a few more days to sort out a few things".
If the trust was happy, a document could be signed - probably by Mayor Peter Chin - conditional on full acceptance by the Dunedin City Council, probably on April 20.
Mr Farry said the trust was "not running to a timetable" and the April 20 date was flexible.
"That's not a deadline . . . you don't allow yourself to be controlled by some artificially imposed date."
The trust had negotiated "a far superior contract" to the one it started with, but he declined to detail the changes made.