Speedy meeting over speed limit

In the long history of the Dunedin City Council, there can have been few meetings so short.

An extraordinary council meeting yesterday began at 11am.

"I think that was the sum total business of the meeting," Mayor Dave Cull said at 11.04am as he closed it down.

It was a meeting completed with speed, but then speed was the subject.

The meeting was called to consider the matter of how fast vehicles should be allowed to travel on a section of road running from Frederick St, behind Forsyth Barr Stadium, to State Highway 88.

The section is commonly known as the State Highway 88 realignment, although that will change when a council name-changing process under way is completed.

Staff recommended the council adopt Dunedin City Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2004, amendment 3 (attachment 2), with the speed limit to come into effect on July 1.

City environment general manager Tony Avery explained later that speed limit was 70kmh.

The brief meeting had to be called, he said, so signs could go up and respective parties be formally notified by July 1, to coincide with its planned completion.

There were no questions, no discussions and the recommendation won unanimous approval.

Former councillor Richard Walls, who served in public office from the early 1960s until last year, said he could not remember a meeting of such limited duration, despite meetings of less than an hour being quite common before the 1989 local body amalgamation.


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