Speed limits on 12 Dunedin roads could be reduced by up to 30kmh if a proposed bylaw change is approved by the Dunedin City Council.
The council has reviewed 14 roads to find the most appropriate speed limits subject to their level of use, roadside development and surrounding environment.
Twelve met the criteria for reducing the speed limit. Those that missed out were Blackhead Rd and Main South Rd.
The council's planning and regulatory committee would be asked on Tuesday to approve the proposed speed limit bylaw changes to go out for public consultation.
Staff were asked to review the roads at a meeting last year and used a Land Transport guideline to calculate the safe speed limit on the roads using speed surveys, site assessments, traffic volumes, crash rates and type of road.
The roads reviewed were selected either due to having obviously wrong speed limits or requests from the public.
Changing the speed limit signs would cost $12,000, as part of the 2014-15 minor improvements budget subsidised by the New Zealand Transport Agency.
Factory Rd, Wingatui Rd and Rutherford Rd had become urbanised, requiring a decrease in speed to 50kmh, a report to the committee said.
The speed on Halfway Bush Rd would be reduced because of growing lifestyle development and it would make it consistent with nearby roads.
Reducing the speed to 70kmh on Bruce Rd, Momona, would make it consistent with surrounding roads.
The narrow gravel road had a kindergarten at the intersection of State Highway 87 and housing along its first 100m.
Speed changes along Portobello Rd resulted from footpaths, cycle lanes and shared paths of Macandrew Bay extending to St Ronans Rd.
In the city, Magnet St would be reduced to 30kmh to make it safer for increased pedestrian, cycle and marine use.
A speed reduction on Logan Park Dr was due to increased use of Logan Park by Otago Polytechnic.
Decreasing the speed limit on John Wilson Ocean Dr to 30kmh had already been decided by the planning and environment committee.
If the committee approves the proposed bylaw, it will go out for public consultation on July 1.
Public consultation: July 1 to August 1
Hearings convened: August-September
Council decision: November 16
Amendments take effect: February 1