Questions about speculation the Dunedin Public Library is headed to the former chief post office in the Exchange received unusually guarded responses from council and library insiders yesterday.
One city councillor, who asked not to be named, would neither confirm nor deny the suggestion, but the response made it clear there had been at least some discussion on the issue.
The former post office building emerged last week as a possible option for the Otago Regional Council's headquarters, after the ORC decided to park its $31 million waterfront office block plan, and consider other possibilities.
If it was to relocate there, the ORC would not require all the space available in the building.
Dunedin City Council community life general manager Graeme Hall, when asked yesterday whether the library would be moved to the former post office building, said he could "not make any comment on the basis there has been a lot of rumour about that in the last while".
"I could not categorically say no-one has talked about it".
Mayor Peter Chin would not discuss the matter.
Cr Andrew Noone said the council had not yet discussed the possibility.
Cr John Bezett said the idea had been around "for so many years".
"Someone might be looking at it. There are other buildings around town as well . . ."
The library has a variety of problems in its present location, including a lack of space, access and limited facilities.