Preperation for the Otago Taieri A&P Society's 2014 show in January is in its final stages.
The committee has confirmed The X Factor NZ contestant Tom Batchelor will perform at the show, to be held in Mosgiel on January 25.
Wanaka children's book author Chris Baldwin is also a key attraction, and will hold book readings and signings with her muse and pet dog Chief.
Society president Wayne Smaill said there would continue to be a strong farm focus at the show, as well as major equestrian competitions spanning three days.
''Our 150th anniversary show recently was a huge success and we'll keep the format pretty standard,'' he said.
Dairy, sheep and beef sections were well supported, as was a paddock-to-plate competition to determine the Taieri's best lamb, Mr Smaill said.
''We've already got about 39 entries for that.''
More than 1000 people are expected to attend the show, which will include cooking demonstrations by local chefs, and the Caledonian Society Highland Games.
Members of the Taieri Canine Training Club will hold obedience demonstrations, and an axemen's contest will include a spring/jigger board climbing demonstration.
Other regular fixtures include competitive sections for pets, wool, herdsmen, dairy goats and dog trials.
Home industry has categories for preserves, produce and vegetables, baking, brewing, cheese, floral, handcraft, knitting, spinning and weaving, photography and children, as well as a ''my one is bigger than yours'' section for vegetables.
There will be free face-painting and bumper boat rides for children, and a wide variety of food vendors new to the show.
The main parade is scheduled to begin about 1.30pm.