Show begins behind the front door

Artist Georgia Glass prepares the exhibition in the hallway of her Albany St, Dunedin, flat....
Artist Georgia Glass prepares the exhibition in the hallway of her Albany St, Dunedin, flat. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
A Dunedin student is opening her home to art lovers.

Georgia Glass (20) has curated her first exhibition in the tiny hallway of her flat.

"It's a Small World, Painted" is a selection of small works by a dozen New Zealand artists.

"I put out a call for submissions six months ago seeking small-scale works," she said this week.

"I wanted it to be something intimate in an obsolete space. Art work can still be important when it's small. You've got to start somewhere and I've learnt so much from curating this."

The Dunedin School of Art third-year painting student even managed to secure a small amount of funding from the Dunedin City Council for the exhibition.

"It's such a small space that only two people at a time can view it. And there is no lighting in the hallway, so the exhibition is viewed with lamps, which also forces intimacy with the works."

The featured artists are Gareth Blackler, Missy Bennetts, Jaimee Paul, Philippa Jones, Emilie Truscott, Alana Aitken, Alex Scott, Natasha Killeen, Becca Long, Michaela Robinson, Rachel Ratten and Hamish Coleman.

"It's a Small World, Painted" opens at 5.30pm today at 22 Albany St.

The exhibition is on from 4pm till 6pm every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, until July 28.


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