Josh Smith, also known as Josh Smythe, led the Dunedin Fire and Circus Club and was the Otago University Students' Association (OUSA) representative for clubs and societies but stood aside from those positions in recent weeks.
Mr Smith made a lengthy statement on social media earlier this week about his reasons for standing down from those roles, but that statement did not contain any reference to alleged sexual misconduct.
He released a statement today on those allegations. In an interview with the Otago Daily Times he said the complaint came as a shock and he had only just been told of it. "This has completely broken my heart."
He understood a complaint had been made to student magazine Critic Te Arohi, but he was unaware of any allegation being made to police.
He had not been arrested. Mr Smith said he had problems with alcohol in the past, but had no memory of being a perpetrator of sexual misconduct.
His statement said he was made aware of the complaint against him late yesterday afternoon.
"This absolutely wrecks me."
Though not admitting guilt, Mr Smith said he had betrayed people's trust.
He had also been a victim of abuse. "I do not remember any of these instances. I have struggled with alcohol for most of my life . . . and was a pretty full-on blacked out alcoholic from 14-19 years of age.
"However, this is no excuse for my actions."
The complaint against Mr Smith followed a survey carried out at the Dunedin Fire and Circus Club that revealed a problematic culture at the club in relation to predatory behaviour.
A review recommended a change of leadership and Mr Smith stood down as president at the start of this month.
"As the president, it was my fault that the channels for reporting this behaviour had not existed beforehand, and for creating spaces that were not safe," he said in his social media statement made before the complaint about his own conduct surfaced.
In today's statement he said: "Never in my right mind would I ever bring this type of pain into anyone's life and it breaks my heart a thousand times over that I have done so.
"From this point on I am going to exclude all substances from my life and withdraw from pretty much all social and cultural activities.
"I apologise profusely to those I have harmed, and those whose trust I have broken.
"I guess this is goodbye, for a long while."
Nominations for Mr Smith's replacement as the OUSA clubs representative close today.
Where to get help:
Need to Talk? Free call or text 1737 any time to speak to a trained counsellor, for any reason.
Women's Refuge: 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843
Shine: 9am-11pm every day, 0508 744 633
Shakti: for African, Asian and Middle Eastern women and children. 0800 742 584
Rape Crisis: 0800 883 300
Rainbow Youth: (09) 376 4155)
It's Not OK (0800 456 450)
Shine: 0508 744 633
Victim Support: 0800 650 654
Te Whare Tāwharau (Sexual Violence Support and Prevention Centre at Otago Uni): 0800 479 379 (within NZ only) or Tel +64 3 479 3790
For male survivors:
Road Forward Trust, Wellington, contact Richard 0211181043
Better Blokes Auckland, 099902553
The Canterbury Men's Centre, 03 3776747
The Male Room, Nelson 035480403
Male Survivors, Waikato 07 8584112
Male Survivors, Otago 0211064598
For urgent help: Safe To Talk 0800044334.
If it is an emergency and you feel like you or someone else is at risk, call 111.