Scottish Society celebrates 50 years' activity on Taieri

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Taieri Scottish Society at a luncheon at the Mosgiel...
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Taieri Scottish Society at a luncheon at the Mosgiel Railway Station on Sunday are (from left) Chief Frank Brown, of Dunedin, Junior chief Ian Johnstone, of Mosgiel, and original patron Eric Hyslop, of Dunedin....

Ian Johnstone has been dancing for almost 60 years now, since he was a child.

''It was mostly folk dancing. Both of my parents danced,'' he said.

Mr Johnstone is 67, and ''one of the young ones'' in the Taieri Scottish Society.

''Most of them would be 60 years-plus,'' he said.

The society itself is just a bit younger: 50 years old, to be exact.

And the past weekend was the society's birthday party.

The society's 30-40 members attended a weekend of festivities in honour of the society's 50th.

There was a ball on Saturday evening, and a Sunday lunch from 12.30.

Most of the original members of the society were not around anymore, Mr Johnstone said.

But Eric Hyslop, from the society's original committee, was at the dinner.

Throughout the rest of the year, being a fee-paying member of the society mostly means attending monthly ''informal ballroom'' dancing.

''Old-time dancing,'' Mr Johnstone said. Other aspects of Scottish culture were not as central to the society's activities.

But he said the dancing was ''something we do enjoy''.

Mr Johnstone has Scottish heritage - ''my mother's grandfather and father's mother [were] Scottish'', he said, but he has never actually been to the old country.

He would have liked to, but it was just too expensive.

''Maybe when I win the lottery,'' he said.

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