School considers security cameras to curb bullying

Installing security cameras on school grounds is one of several measures being investigated by the Taieri College board of trustees in response to allegations of bullying at the school.

The board met last week and allegations of widespread bullying among pupils were discussed at length, acting chairman Steve Quin said.

He asked parents and pupils to be patient as the board and school looked for positive and practical answers to the problem.

"Solutions do take time. They can't be introduced without research," he said.

Cameras are used in many schools nationwide, including John McGlashan College in Dunedin.

The school has cameras in its new Edgar Learning and Information Centre.

While they were not used to monitor pupils 24 hours a day, they were used as a record of activities which the school could look back on if an incident occurred, a school spokesman said.

Mr Quin said text bullying was of particular concern and the board was looking at ways to improve current procedures to better control it.

He said the board was also looking to improve procedures on reporting incidents and wanted to make parents with concerns feel the board was approachable.

Parents with concerns should feel they could contact any board member at any time, he said.

Since the allegations of bullying at Taieri College were raised last week, five more parents have come forward citing further incidents and complaints about how their issue was dealt with.

Mr Quin said while bullying was a "broader society issue" and every school experienced it, he did not play down the seriousness of the problem.

The safety of pupils at Taieri College was paramount.


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