RSA choir to have pick of new rehearsal spaces

RSA Choir. Photo: ODT files.
RSA Choir. Photo: ODT files.
Offers of a new home for the Dunedin RSA Choir had come rolling in, choir president David More said.

But the 60-member choir would concentrate on its centenary Anzac Revue on Sunday before its focus returned to finding a new home, Mr More said.

When the choir’s tenancy at Caversham Presbyterian Church’s Sidey Hall was made public last week, choir members were "inundated" with offers of new rehearsal spaces, Mr More said.

He received three offers and several other choir members had been contacted with offers as well.

The choir had yet to follow these up but several were likely suitable, Mr More

"I think we’ll be OK, to be quite honest."

The 101-year-old choir was "actually calling a halt" to offers of support, Mr More said.

The end to their nearly 25-year tenancy at the Caversham Presbyterian Church’s Sidey Hall had been untimely, but Mr More said the choir had been very pleased to find out how much support there was in the community for it.

When the RSA’s Burlington St premises closed nearly a quarter century ago, the choir and church struck an agreement and the choir had paid rent on a six-monthly basis with no end date, Mr More said.

The choir had paid rent on Sidey Hall through to June
this year.

But earlier this month, it was given one week’s notice that their agreement with the church was up.

On Thursday, the choir would hold its final rehearsal for the Anzac Revue at the church proper, next to the hall, Mr More said.

On Sunday, the choir will perform its centenary Anzac Revue.

The 100-year celebration was stymied last year by the lockdown for Covid-19.

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