A motorcyclist was taken to hospital yesterday after being hit by a car whose driver failed to give way.
Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond said the incident occurred at the intersection of Stone St and Kenmure Rd about 9.30am.
A 36-year-old woman failed to give way to a 67-year-old motorcyclist and hit the back of his bike.
The rider sustained moderate injuries to his left leg and was taken to Dunedin Hospital.
An investigation was ongoing, Snr Sgt Bond said.
Meanwhile, several parties in the student quarter were monitored by police last night.
Snr Sgt Bond said there were lots of small gatherings around the North Dunedin area.
These events were well managed and not over the capacity limits for the Red setting of the traffic light framework.
Students who were standing in the middle of the road were moved along by police and no arrests were made, he said.
Police were also reminding Dunedin residents to keep valuables out of sight after a pair of youths were caught interfering with parked cars in the early hours of the morning.
Snr Sgt Bond said two 15-year-olds were seen seen trying door handles in the vicinity of Moreau St in St Clair at about 1.55am.
Both youths were located and identified by police, however one ran off.
Enquiries are ongoing and youth aid will follow up with the alleged offenders.
The incident served as a reminder to residents that valuables should be removed from vehicles as they could tempt thieves, he said.