Rest welcome after huge cleanup

The Star Regent 24-Hour Book Sale organiser Alison Cunningham takes a break from cleaning after...
The Star Regent 24-Hour Book Sale organiser Alison Cunningham takes a break from cleaning after the annual event yesterday. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
Book covers were happily traded for bedcovers after The Star Regent 24-hour Book Sale in Dunedin at the weekend.

''I got home at 3pm on Saturday and slept through till Sunday morning,'' organiser Alison Cunningham said with a tired grin yesterday.

The proceeds of the sale will be used to buy a $140,000 digital film projector for the theatre.

Sale takings stood at $79,482 last night, which would be added to the $13,000 from the Anything But Books Sale in February, Mrs Cunningham said.

''The two sales together grossed over $90,000, so we're very, very pleased. While we haven't finalised all the takings yet, we're pretty confident we'll be able to afford that new digital projector now.''

A small army of volunteers spent yesterday cleaning up.

''We always have a big clean-up on Sunday, so the theatre is ready for Monday.''

It was impossible to know how many people visited the Regent during the 24-hour sale, Mrs Cunningham said.

''It was absolutely jam-packed during the day and got quieter in the wee small hours. It was a very successful and happy sale. ''It's such an incredible event. It's part of Dunedin's annual calendar,'' she said. She observed that many people bought books and then gave them back the following year.

''We find a lot of books with inscriptions inside the covers, where people have written in the year they bought it at the book sale.''

The hot ticket items were the usual suspects, Mrs Cunningham said.

''Our nearly-new literary section went really well and sci-fi sold out on the spot and westerns sold out on the spot.''

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