Residents to state case against phone tower

Colin Weatherall.
Colin Weatherall.
The installation of a 2degrees cellphone tower on a site close to residents' homes in Brighton is not a ''foregone conclusion'', Dunedin city councillor Colin Weatherall says.

The statement comes after a group called Brighton Residents v 2degrees was formed on Sunday after householders in Scroggs Hill Rd were informed a 12m tower would be installed on the road within the next 20 days. Members of the group were concerned about the possible health effects of having a tower so close to their homes, and annoyed about the lack of consultation.

Cr Weatherall said he had been in contact with 2degrees and residents against the tower and would be attending an information session being held by the company on Monday in a ''neutral capacity''.

The meeting would give residents a chance to air their concerns and push for the company to build the tower on another site, he said.

The installation on the chosen site was not a ''foregone conclusion''.

''I know that 2degrees have expressed a willingness to listen to the residents' concerns and obviously they will consider if there are any other options,'' Cr Weatherall said.

He was first in contact with 2degrees about installing a tower in the area six months ago and asked the company then to consider holding a public meeting.

While there could have been a different outcome had a meeting been held earlier, Mr Weatherall was happy 2degrees was giving residents a chance to air their concerns now.

Among the information to be shown to residents at the meeting was a list - which has already been posted on the Brighton Residents v 2degrees Facebook page - of other potential tower sites 2degrees investigated in the area.

The other options, which included sites further up Scroggs Hill Rd, in Brighton Rd, and attaching to the existing Telecom tower, were discounted for various reasons. A 2degrees spokeswoman declined to comment when asked if the company was open to installing the tower at a different site. She earlier said the equipment on the tower used the same technology as ''household items such as cordless phones'', and operated within strict guidelines set by the Ministry of Health.

The information session is being held at the Memorial Hall in Ocean View between 4pm and 8pm on Monday.

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