''Hope our flat sign doesn't offend anyone. RackCityB... . #respect,'' Sean McDonald said, posting a picture of himself with the sign ''Rack City'' on his Facebook page last month.
That October 20 post came just two weeks after he apologised for the Rack Appreciation page, where members shared explicit pictures of young women without their consent. At its peak, the page had 2000 members. It was later shut down.
Rape Crisis Dunedin said the page was ''exploitative, demeaning and degrading to women'', while Justice Minister Amy Adams labelled Mr McDonald's action ''unacceptable''.
Otago University vice-chancellor Prof Harlene Hayne said the page had ''sullied'' the university's reputation and he would face disciplinary action.
A university spokeswoman confirmed yesterday he was no longer a student there.
Mr McDonald, back home in Timaru, said he was accepted into Lincoln University three months ago.
''Otago didn't do anything to me.''
Asked about his latest Facebook post, he said: ''No-one gives a s... except people like you who feed off stupid little stories such as this.
"Have fun sharing my comments. Goodbye."