Pupils help school with books, cash

Carisbrook School, Dunedin, pupils Charlotte Roach and Lachie Wilden  stand on books given by...
Carisbrook School, Dunedin, pupils Charlotte Roach and Lachie Wilden stand on books given by John McGlashan College and presented by pupils Vivian Griffiths (left) and Jack Ascroft yesterday. Photo by Gregor Richardson.

Pupils from one of the highest-decile schools in Dunedin gave books to one of the lowest-decile schools yesterday.

John McGlashan College pupils Vivian Griffiths and Jack Ascroft presented about 200 books to Carisbrook School yesterday on behalf of the college's student council.

The books came from the junior fiction section of the college library.

The student council also held a barbecue and book sale last month, raising $800 for Carisbrook School to buy new books.

Vivian said after reports in the media of a school in Kaitaia in ''dire straits'' because it had few books, the pupils decided to fundraise for the school.

However, an investigation into ways to get the money north revealed KidsCan charity supported Carisbrook School pupils and the focus for the fundraising moved to the Caversham school, Vivian said.

''Charity starts at home.''

The pupils were ''over the moon'' when the books were presented at a ''touching'' Carisbrook School assembly yesterday, Vivian said.

''One of the little girls in the front row looked up and mouthed 'thank you'. It was so sweet - she was so happy,'' Vivian said.

Carisbrook School pupils Charlotte Roach (6) said her favourite books were anything to with animals, especially dogs.

Pupil Lachie Wilden (7) said he was more a Roald Dahl fan and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was his favourite.

Carisbrook School principal Ben Sincock said the actions of the John McGlashan pupils was ''impressive''.

''It is so essential we get reading material into these classrooms, and families, at a young age, so they are not being disadvantaged.''


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