The Dunedin City Council held its last public meeting over its draft annual plan yesterday, with less than a week remaining for people to make submissions on the plan.
About 10 members of the public, plus Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull, councillors and council staff, attended yesterday's meeting, held at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery.
The meeting was the last of four events aimed at giving the public the opportunity to discuss the draft plan with councillors and council staff.
The other meeting was held in Portobello, and ''road show'' events were held at Pak'n Save in South Dunedin, and at the Green Island landfill.
Mr Cull said he was impressed with the number who attended last month's meeting in Portobello, which attracted about ''five times'' as many people as yesterday's meeting.
Council policy analyst Jane Nevill, who organised the events, said the two road shows were ''not particularly well attended''. About 20 members of the public engaged with the council at each of them.
Mr Cull said the meetings were an important part of engaging with the public.
''It's important in the total process to give the community as much opportunity as we can to clarify concerns and questions before they make a submission. If we do that they are likely to be better-informed and more constructive submissions.''
People had until next Tuesday to make submissions on the plan, Mr Cull said yesterday.
Among the issues raised at yesterday's meeting were questions about a proposed $400,000 fund to attract events to the Forsyth Barr Stadium and queries about the council's South Dunedin and Otago Peninsula cycleway plans.
Council operations manager Tony Avery said at the meeting 65 submissions had been received so far on its draft annual plan.