Prize memorial to lecturer

The University of Otago has established a prize to honour the memory of a senior lecturer killed while cycling to work.

Li Hong ''Chris'' He, a senior lecturer at Otago University's Faculty of Dentistry, was killed outside Dunedin Hospital on November 19 last year after he was knocked from his bike into the path of a stock truck.

The university council yesterday approved the creation of the Li Hong (Chris) He Memorial Prize.

The proposal, approved by Faculty of Dentistry Dean Prof Greg Seymour, said Dr He was an ''enthusiastic, passionate teacher''.

''He was a very valued team member and an advocate for research-based clinical practice.''

The annual prize of $500 will go to the student with the highest performance in the biomaterials module in the second year of the degree of bachelor of dental surgery. Biomaterials sciences was a strength of Dr He, the proposal said.

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