Graeme Wall, of the club, made that point, linked to the club's earlier written submission, at an Otago Regional Council draft annual plan hearing in Dunedin yesterday.
Mr Wall indicated that Back Beach and Careys Bay were of ''high recreational importance'' and both served a public ramp with public pontoons.
The water depths in both areas had become ''extremely compromised'' over the years, resulting in their recreational value being ''diminished'' and their long-term viability threatened.
Some minimal dredging so as to provide good all-tide access to both sets of ramps would go ''a long way to ensuring their long-term viability'' for all recreational and aquatic users.
Many more members of the public used the club's jetty than did club members themselves, and he asked for ''a more clear and logical charging regime for fees'' for moorings and consented structures.
The club had organised and paid for an inspection by a registered engineer, but had later been billed for a further inspection by a council staff member, he said.
Council hearing panel chairman Cr Doug Brown thanked Mr Wall for the submission and said the matters raised would be considered and the council would reply to the club.