The trustees of the Taieri Community Facilities Trust had been meeting fortnightly to work on the project, Mr Woodcock said.
The trust was working out what the council had done so far and was planning a work programme.
It would examine if, for example, there were any gaps in the geotechnical assessments of potential pool sites.
The trust would use some of the $30,000 set aside for it by the council to hire specialists to fill in those gaps before it consulted the public on final options.
Mr Woodcock said the intention was to consult the southern Dunedin community on three or four site options next month.
The design of the facility would depend on the site.
A second round of consultation, on design options, could be held later this year.
A team of about 30 people was being brought together to ensure all parts of the community were consulted.
Before it can begin fundraising, the trust must take the agreed plan to the Dunedin City Council for approval.
The council has clearly indicated it will have no capital for new projects for at least 10 years.
Mr Woodcock said the trust had appointed a new treasurer and secretary.
The trust was close to appointing a new chairman.