Three burglaries of supermarkets

Police are investigating three burglaries of Dunedin supermarkets, but it is too early to know if they are linked, they say.

The burglaries at Countdown Mornington, Fresh Choice Roslyn and Grocery King, in South Dunedin, have occurred since October 17.

A burglar removed the seals from a glass door at Grocery King early on Monday and took the pane out before crawling through the store to access its safe.

He took more than $10,000 in cash.

The Otago Daily Times understands a glass-cutter was used to access the Fresh Choice supermarket.

Police said that burglary occurred about 3.20am on November 2.

Nothing was taken, Acting Senior Sergeant Jared Kirk said.

''Police attended the scene and carried out an examination and are continuing to make inquiries into the incident,'' he said.

Police attended a burglary at Countdown Mornington on October 17.

''The burglary may have taken place between 1.30am and 5am that morning,'' a police spokesman said.

Coins were taken after entry was made through a window.

A Countdown spokesman said the supermarket was working with police to help catch the offender.

Acting Snr Sgt Kirk said police were looking at links between the burglaries.

''They could possibly be linked. We are looking at it,'' he said.

-Dunedin police (03) 471-4800, Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.

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