Police lock on to home break-in

A Mosgiel resident got an unexpected welcoming party after he locked himself out of his house.

The McDonald St resident was climbing through his kitchen window using his wheelie bin to stand on when police converged on the area about 4pm on Friday.

An attentive neighbour called police after noticing the man trying to break into the house, not realising it was the home owner, a police spokeswoman said.

Two patrol cars and a dog unit

were sent to the street as it was an area  dangerous wanted man Robert Paul Laxon was known to frequent, the spokeswoman said.‘‘Police spoke to him [the McDonald St resident] and he said he was the owner of the property,’’ she said.‘‘He was climbing through the kitchen window using the wheelie bin.‘‘The occupier of the house was climbing into the house due to lock issues.’’Police lauded the actions of the neighbour saying: ‘‘She did the right thing’’ in calling them.

Dunedin and Mosgiel police remain on the hunt for Laxon (35) after he failed to appear in court earlier this year.

He has a long history of dishonesty offending and police consider him dangerous.

Any sightings of Laxon should be reported immediately.

● Dunedin police (03) 471-4800, Crimestoppers 0800 555-111.

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