The recruitment evening will be held at the Dunedin Central Police Station in Great King St from 6pm on Monday.
Māori Pacific liaison officer and recruitment lead Senior Constable Toni Wall said while there had been other recruitment nights out in the community, this would be the first to happen on site since before Covid-19.
"This evening has been opened up to whoever’s interested in coming to join the police, and might want to see what we do here, what the different roles are and what life is like as a police officer."
The recruitment drive was for the Otago Coastal region in the Southern police district, which spans from Oamaru to Balclutha.
The evening would include officers taking anyone interested through the application process, what the physical requirements were and what life was like for a police officer.
There would be a demonstration of the physical requirements, police teaching people how to do a "correct" push-up, and going through grip strength and vertical jumps.
Also attending the night would be newly graduated officers, inspectors, members of the criminal investigation branch, road policing officers and potentially even a dog handler and an armed offenders squad member.
"We have such a variety of roles, you are not just a police officer, and there are lead-on opportunities all around the country to study, get rank or take on leadership roles.
"It’s all about showcasing who we are, what we do and why we do it."
Snr Const Wall said part of the appeal of the job was that no day was the same.
"The challenge — or the excitement — of the job is not knowing what you would be doing day to day before coming into work.
"You could be going to anything and everything on a daily basis. I suppose the spice of life would just be coming to work."