Police frustrated by hot spot car break-ins

The frustration continues for police as thieves continue to target vehicles at tourist hot spots in Dunedin.

Sergeant Steve Aitken, of Dunedin, said a bag containing a credit card and jewellery including $650 diamond earrings, an ipad mini, Nikon camera and cash of $NZ400 and $US500 was stolen from a locked car at Tunnel Beach yesterday between 6pm and 6.45pm.

'''It's frustrating.''

On Wednesday, a car of Australian tourists parked at a private house in Cannington Rd in Maori Hill was broken into between 3am and 3.15am.

A backpack containing $A3000 cash and passports was stolen.

The vehicle was among more than 20 that have been broken into in the past week. Many were parked in recreational car parks including Bethunes Gully, Blackhead, Nicols Creek, Sandymount, Sullivan's Dam and Tunnel Beach.

The thefts from recreational car parks were believed to be connected and related to the same offenders, Sgt Aitken said.

A police patrol visited Tunnel Beach at 4pm yesterday and discovered an unlocked car with a wallet in ''plain view'' on the front centre console containing $300 cash.

The officers left a note for the car owner and locked the car.

Sgt Aitken urged tourists parking in recreational areas to take a photo of any other cars in the vicinity to help police inquiries if a car was broken into.

People should always lock their car securely, close all windows, lock their boots and take valuables with them or keep them out of sight.

About $2500 worth of horse riding gear was taking from a shed in Flower St, Fairfield, between mid October to January 1.

The gear included two saddles, bridles, helmets, rugs and boots.

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