Poignant, hilarious depiction of breakups

The Globe Theatre
Friday, March 21

The end of a relationship can be hard enough on its own — let alone when clones are thrown into the mix.

NO NO NO explores this very premise, to a satisfying degree of hilarity.

Set in 2073, exes Billy and Nono (yes, that is their name) reconvene to navigate their relationship as Nono’s clone ("Not Nono") navigates with their own emotional quandaries.

Staged with a mere table and a mug, the performance does not appear overtly sci-fi — the futuristic and horror elements are made explicit through dialogue.

A flickering stage light was also a great tone setter.

This cast knows how to hold an audience’s attention, and their performances are certainly the highlight.

Their chemistry feels natural and believable, and each have great comedic timing.

The aftermath of this relationship is taken to absurd lengths with the added sci-fi twist.

As technology advances, humans’ ability to go crazy over one another seems to follow suite.

Would you sever your arm and get a bionic replacement to get rid of the tattoos placed there by your ex?

I was particularly pleased with how clones were depicted, with costume backed by a strong performance producing an eerie and initially uncanny result.

Yet the clone humour is not the driving comedic force, with the sniping between the former lovers receiving some of the biggest laughs.

There are gags here that anyone can relate to.

But if you’re going in with high expectations of sci-fi, you may be disappointed.

This is a more measured outing, the premise posing some interesting questions about relationships — which the cast take to an ultimately poignant extreme.

NO NO NO is showing tomorrow at 7pm.

Review by Tim Scott

