The proposal has been included in the Otago Regional Council's draft annual plan, which will go out for public consultation later this month.
Plans to complete a series of flood protection works on the Leith and Lindsay Creek had been proceeding for about 10 years, with the first work completed on Rockside Rd in 2007.
Work had stopped while full scheme consents were sought, granted and appealed, and had been delayed by scheme design and project costing.
Environmental engineering and natural hazards director Gavin Palmer said originally it had been planned for the work to be done in five stages, beginning at the lower end of the Leith, and investigations had shown there was no technical reason why work on that section could not proceed.
The section of stream from Cumberland St North to Dundas St did not have sufficient capacity and completing works on that stretch would not increase the flood risk downstream.
The work, which was estimated to cost $730,000, would involve finishing the existing high velocity channel outlet properly, including reducing erosion at the transition from the channel to the natural channel.
Detailed design work on the work still had to be completed and council approval sought, but it was hoped the work could begin in summer.
The council was also reviewing work planned for Lindsay Creek to see if it could be done for a lower cost by undertaking elements in a different order, he said.
"We're looking at the elements that would provide the most value for cost and could be implemented ahead."
Further work was planned to examine re-ordering work, and at the hydrological effects and benefits.
However, there could be increased costs to completing work in segments over time, so further investigation was needed, Dr Palmer said.
More details would come back through the council processes in the next couple of months.