Plans to develop a new retail and apartment complex in Princes St, in Dunedin, have been dealt a blow, with city planners recommending the retention of the existing facade.
A Christchurch-based developer wanted to construct a five-storey building with retail space and 15 apartments on the Princes St site and an adjacent site.
However, Dunedin City Council planner Lianne Darby has recommended consent to demolish the building from 372 to 392 Princes St be declined, citing the heritage value of the facades.
"The demolition of the Victorian period buildings, whether of significant heritage value or not, has the potential to have adverse cumulative effects on the historic building resource of Dunedin," the report, to be put before a Dunedin City Council hearings committee on Thursday, noted.
Under the city council's district plan, the development is deemed to be a noncomplying activity due to the area being a protected townscape precinct.
Plans to demolish the four protected buildings resulted in 260 people signing a petition asking for the buildings' retention. Of the 18 submissions expected at the hearings committee, 10 oppose the development, six support it and two request changes,In addition to the decision on the Princes St site, Ms Darby recommended consent be granted for the demolition and construction of a new building at 11 Stafford St.
The Stafford St site has "few characteristics in its own right that would make its protection desirable," the report said.
Developer Luke Dirkzwager, of Prista Apartments, told the Otago Daily Times in October the area needed to be "lifted up".
"The buildings there are just so run down."
Mr Dirkzwager said it is an "unreasonable proposition" to develop the Princes St site behind retained facades, and the redevelopment may not proceed if the facades are kept.