Plan to trial roundabout at dangerous intersection

The council is asking for feedback on a proposed trial roundabout near Countdown Mailer St, in...
The council is asking for feedback on a proposed trial roundabout near Countdown Mailer St, in Dunedin. GRAPHIC: ODT IMAGES
Mornington may get a new roundabout if public feedback supports a proposal from Dunedin City Council.

The council this week asked for feedback on a proposed trial roundabout at the Mailer and Lawrence Sts intersection, near the Countdown Mailer St supermarket and BP service station.

A council spokesman said the intersection had been the location of several accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists.

There had also been problems with motorists failing to give way, the spokesman said.

A new layout was part of a proposal that would establish one entry and exit for the service station, and make the Mailer St access to Countdown entry only.

The supermarket car park entry/exit in Lawrence St would also be widened and a median barrier would be installed in Mailer St.

Public feedback is open until September 30, when a final decision on whether the trial will go ahead will be made.

Staff Reporter



