Piper adds special touch to 102nd

A birthday milestone was celebrated in a different way during lockdown yesterday.

Vi Byers turned 102 at Birchleigh Residential Care Centre in Mosgiel, but because of the lockdown was unable to celebrate in the traditional way.

Instead, staff organised a visit from bagpiper Matt Cresswell, the son of staff member Heather Cresswell.

The performance was also enjoyed by rest-home residents and staff.

Daughter Jacquie Carter said her mother had always loved the bagpipes because they reminded her of her Scottish heritage.

"The joy on her face was priceless — she loved it."

Celebrating her 102nd birthday in lockdown was made extra special for Vi Byers by a visit from...
Celebrating her 102nd birthday in lockdown was made extra special for Vi Byers by a visit from bagpiper Matt Cresswell yesterday. PHOTO: CHRISTINE O’CONNOR

Her mother was still "spritely", and "good old Scottish stubbornness" had enabled her to reach 102 years old, Mrs Carter said.

She was able to visit her mother for the first time in lockdown, from a distance while wearing full protective gear.

"We didn’t have any birthday plans because of the lockdown, so it was quite emotional.

"We’ll wait until this over and have a big old party."

Ms Byers said she appreciated the kind gestures of the staff at Birchleigh.

"It’s been a lovely place for me."

Ms Byers said she had enjoyed the party that was held when she turned 100.

"I had a nice birthday when I was 100 — they’re waiting for me to turn 200 now."


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