Pineapple Track reopens after Flagstaff blaze

Walkers on the Pineapple Track, in Dunedin, will be able to see first-hand the damage from last week's fire after the track reopened to the public yesterday.

The tracks on Flagstaff, closed after the fire, finally reopened yesterday after a slight delay because of the previous night's snow.

Dunedin City Council parks and recreation group manager Robert West said the tracks were largely unaffected by the blaze, which ripped through scrub on both sides of the track on Monday last week.

The damage was confined to the top of the Pineapple Track and part of the section leading down to the Bullring.

Aside from burnt vegetation, the only damage was to a few plastic culverts, which melted from the heat and would need to be replaced.

Parks and recreation staff would visit Flagstaff next week to further assess damage done to vegetation.

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