[comment caption=Should harbour area parking be targeted?]A parking ticket blitz on Dunedin's harbourside industrial area resulted in the issuing of 150 tickets within a week and a warning the area will continue to be policed.
Dunedin City Council parking services team leader Daphne Griffen said the council had received numerous complaints from retailers and business owners on the harbour side of the railway line about parking offences.
She had been receiving between two and five complaints a day from the area. There had also been criticism the area was not being policed by parking wardens.
The council's parking services department responded with a blitz, from the Water of Leith to Portsmouth Dr.
Some 150 tickets were issued - a number Mrs Griffen described as an "awful lot", and more than expected. A long list of offences, from parking on broken yellow lines, parking on footpaths, unwarranted and unregistered vehicles and overstaying parking time limits, were detected.
Despite the ticketing blitz, complaints were still being received and she hoped drivers would learn and obey the law.
While parking wardens had not previously had a high profile in that area, this would change with regular monitoring of the area, Mrs Griffen said.
The high number of tickets had nothing to do with the pedestrian bridge over the railway line being out of action, she said.
Many people no longer parked in the area, moving to parking buildings and other areas on the city side of the railway line.