ORC set to discuss shared pathways using floodbanks

Flood banks looking towards Outram. Photo: Stephen Jaquiery (file)
Flood banks looking towards Outram. Photo: Stephen Jaquiery (file)
Developers of cycling and walking trails may soon have a fairly clear steer about whether they can use floodbanks in Otago.

The Otago Regional Council is set to discuss potential policy positions tomorrow relating to the use of flood-protection assets for establishment of shared-use paths.

They range from enabling development of paths on suitable assets, and possibly helping with funding, to not allowing use of council assets or land.

Tomorrow’s decision could have particular relevance for a proposed trail between Mosgiel and Outram, as much of it is intended to run along the Silver Stream floodbank.

Council staff also highlighted a proposed riverside walkway at Balclutha.

Staff recommended enabling development of shared paths on suitable flood-protection assets and the council having ownership of trail maintenance.

This would ensure the council had input into construction standards, reduce risk to flood assets and provide certainty about ongoing council costs, staff said.

The suggested option would strike a balance between taking an enabling approach and managing the cost to ratepayers and risks to flood infrastructure, they said.

Another option was for the council to enable development of paths but not have responsibility for their maintenance.

Staff said this could lead to poor maintenance, compromising the integrity of floodbanks.

The council had been working with the Taieri Trails Trust about the Mosgiel-to-Outram proposal and the Clutha District Council on the Balclutha project and "now needs to confirm its position on responsibilities associated with the development and maintenance of trails on council assets and the associated cost implications".

Maintaining integrity of flood defences was the first priority and, if assets were also to be used for recreational activities, clarity was needed about minimum standards for trail formation, staff said.

Their report went into some detail about how the proposed Taieri trail was viewed.

A path could be widened under the Gordon Rd bridge in Mosgiel and lowered under the Riccarton Rd bridge.

The Taieri Trail group proposed to pass the Silver Stream pump station along the floodbank crest and bridge over the gravity gates, but recently expressed interest in passing across a lower bridge.

A lower bridge would resolve many concerns, the council said.

Near Outram, the trail is intended to pass under State Highway 87 and rise to the floodbank before linking to the bridge across the Taieri River.



