ORC expects stadium price data from trust by deadline

Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott
Information relating to the "guaranteed maximum price" of the Otago Stadium was expected to have been delivered to the Otago Regional Council yesterday.

The regional council set nine conditions on its qualified support of the stadium last June, one of which was for the Carisbrook Stadium Trust to provide evidence of a viable construction tender for the stadium at a price not exceeding $165.4 million by yesterday.

It was said then, that if that condition was not confirmed by that date, the council would no longer endorse the project.

Corporate services director Wayne Scott said the council was expecting the information yesterday but did not know if it had been delivered.

"We have spoken to the trust today [Monday]," he said. Information relating the rest of the conditions was coming "bit by bit".

The council would consider all the information at a special meeting scheduled for February 11 when it was expected it would make a final decision on whether to put a maximum of $37.5 million towards the stadium.

Chief executive Graeme Martin and chairman Stephen Cairns were expected to report to councillors at a meeting today on the latest stakeholders meeting, held yesterday.

Dunedin City Council chief executive Jim Harland said there would be a full report from the stadium stakeholders group, which comprised members of both councils, the University of Otago and the Carisbrook Stadium Trust.

The city council would consider this report when it made its decision on Monday.

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