In the draft annual plan, to be considered by the finance and corporate committee tomorrow, the regional council has proposed increasing its general rate take to $4.59 million from $4.47 million in 2009-10.
That increase would entail increasing its uniform annual general charge by 11c.
Last year the council adopted a nil general rates increase with the last significant increase 3.85% in 2007-2008.
Council corporate services director Wayne Scott said the 2011-12 increase was mostly due to about $500,000 worth of work relating to water quality and quantity the council was undertaking.
It also included $859,000 for stage one of the Leith Lindsay Flood Protection Scheme.
Revenue from targeted rates was expected to drop by 3.9% with rates to fund the Forsyth Barr Stadium and Clean Air remaining similar to last year, while river management rates were to drop 29%, mainly due to enhancement works for the Leith Lindsay being reclassified as flood protection work.
Increases to flood and drainage scheme rates were recommended for the Lower Clutha (5%), West Taieri (10%), Leith Lindsay (4%) and Shotover Delta (25%).
As well as outlining the council's spending for the next year, the council also proposed amendments to its long-term plan to allow for the Leith Lindsay Flood Protection Scheme to progress, the changes to the rating system for flood protection and drainage on the Taieri and for new areas to be included in the transport special rating district.
Four options were to be included for consultation on how the Leith Lindsay scheme could be funded with any fluctuations in the 7% general rate input to be smoothed between years, he said.
Those options are:Complete all scheme works at the revised cost of $51.4 million.
Complete all scheme works at the revised cost, but only if the crown contributes for its non-rateable properties to an estimated $16.8 million.
Complete only Water of Leith work at revised cost of about $30 million.
Complete only Water of Leith work at revised cost, but only if the Crown contributes about $10.7 million.
The review of the Taieri flood and drainage schemes proposed new boundaries, new areas of benefit and the shift in ownership of some scheme assets.
It also recommended the rating base for the drainage schemes change from an area-based to a land-value-based calculation.
In the annual plan, the effect of this review would be for about $70,000 of estimated expenditure being moved from the Lower Taieri scheme into the West Taieri drainage scheme for 2011-2012.
Bus services in Dunedin were paid for by a targeted rate in a defined transport area, but given the changes to the services, those targeted areas had been reviewed, Mr Scott said.
As a result of the review, about 800 new properties would contribute towards the transport rate.
If adopted at tomorrow's meeting, the draft annual plan will go out for public consultation with submissions open until May 2, followed by hearings about a week later.
Draft annual plan 2010-11
• 2.5% general rate increase.
• 11c increase in uniform annual general charge to $12.81.
• Expected $6.9 million dividend from Port Otago.
• Includes $859,000 for stage one of Leith Lindsay.
• Invites comments on the proposal for the council to financially support irrigation capital works.
Long term council community plan 2009-19 proposed amendments
• Leith Lindsay Flood Protection Scheme - four funding options to be considered.
• Taieri Flood and Drainage Scheme - impact of review of rating classification.
• Dunedin Transport Special Rating Districts - additional households to be rated.
• If adopted, public to have until May 2 to make submissions
Hearings to be held from May 9.