Southern District police will be cracking down on motorcyclists over Waitangi weekend and the summer months, in an effort they are calling 'Operation Rumble.'
Southern District Acting Road Policing Manager Senior Sergeant Steve Larking said when speaking to motorcyclists, police would be checking riders' drivers licences, motorcycle safty and sobriety.
"Crash causes, for motorcycle riders include loss of control, inappropriate speed, alcohol and drugs, inexperience and position on the road," he said.
The operation was focussed on reducing death and injury to the motorcycling community.
In the period from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2016, 16 people died, 132 people received serious injuries and 169 minor injuries occured in crashes involving motorcycles in the Southern District. More crashes occurred on urban roads than open roads.
Dave Keilty, ACC Senior Injury Prevention Specialist Dave Keilty said it was important for riders to continually check their skills, technique and road knowledge, even for riders who were on their bikes regularly.
"Motorcyclists own their own safety," he said.
"Just because the weather is heating up, it doesn’t mean riders should cut down on their gear.
Gear is about keeping safe, not keeping warm - All the gear all the time.”
Police have urged all motorists to exercise patience on busy roads and to look for motorcyclists before changing lanes or pulling into intersections.
I can't believe, in this day and age, that someone can write an article and not use spell check. Last I looked, the Otago Daily Times was a newspaper. You would think they employ such people as proof readers or editors. Or maybe even use a spell check or similar. The whole article is about motorcycle safety, for goodness' sake. Safty. Honestly. Rhymes with dafty I reckon.