Port Chalmers Yacht Club commodore Richard Hawkins said after the heartbreak of San Francisco, there were feelings of relief among the about 20 fans who came to the club about 5am yesterday and watched Team New Zealand win.
''Everybody was very excited when they won, that's for sure,'' Mr Hawkins said.
The win meant they were finally able to share the Champagne they bought in anticipation of the win that never eventuated in 2013.
He believed the huge interest in the event would boost the numbers of young people joining sailing clubs in Dunedin and around New Zealand.
He was hopeful Team NZ would tour the cup around the country and take it to Dunedin, as they did in 2000.
''There's a whole generation of young people who haven't seen the cup.''
Enterprise Dunedin director John Christie said no decision had been made about how Dunedin would celebrate the cup win.
''It's been 17 years since Dunedin was part of Team New Zealand's national tour with the America's Cup in 2000. It would be great to have it back again and give the community the opportunity to celebrate the win,'' Mr Christie said.
Team NZ did not respond to requests for comment about whether the cup would be touring New Zealand or coming to Dunedin.