Octagon central carriageway to reopen

The Octagon central carriageway in Dunedin remains closed but will reopen next Monday, as part of the Dunedin City Council’s pedestrianisation trial. Photo: Peter McIntosh
The Octagon central carriageway in Dunedin remains closed but will reopen next Monday, as part of the Dunedin City Council’s pedestrianisation trial. Photo: Peter McIntosh
The Octagon’s central carriageway will reopen to through traffic again from next Monday as the final phase of the Dunedin City Council’s ‘‘Octagon Experience’’ pedestrianisation trial begins.

Between Monday and March 23, the central carriageway, which has been closed in the trial’s current phase, and the upper Octagon will be open for all traffic, as will George and Princes Sts.

Cruise ship shuttles will also return to the Octagon from Monday, dropping off and picking up passengers in the central carriageway.

The lower Age Concern quadrant of the Octagon will remain open to traffic and will be lined with trees and vegetation, the council has said.

The Regent Theatre quadrant and lower Stuart St will be closed to normal traffic, but will remain as a courier route, as in earlier phases of the trial.

The final phase will conclude with a big party hosted by Fringe and the Dunedin Multi-Ethnic Council on Saturday, March 21, and the Octagon will return to ‘‘business as usual’’ on March 23, a council statement said.

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