NZ First confident

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters is confident of electoral success next year, with his party's internal polling showing a level of support much higher than the regularly published polls.

"We had a target of getting to Christmas in good shape and we are in a very solid position," he said in an interview.

Mr Peters, who failed to be re-elected at the 2008 election, was in Dunedin yesterday to thank his party supporters who had worked "tirelessly" in rebuilding the party structure.

The Dunedin team had been successful this year and membership was strengthening by the month.

"They have been working hard, raising the funds themselves. We have a plan for an election machine to be in place by May next year."

It was likely there would be New Zealand First candidates in both Dunedin seats in the 2011 election, but one of them would not be controversial radio host and former MP Michael Laws.

Mr Peters said the rumour Mr Laws was intending to stand in Dunedin was started in the Wellington parliamentary press gallery and that was where it should have stayed.

Although Mr Peters had decided to seek re-election next year, he had not decided if he would stand in an electorate.


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