fineDunedin 23 | 13
Friday, Fri, 21 MarchMar 2025

'Now is not the time to party': Hundreds gather at lookout

Police are reminding first-year students in Dunedin that "now is not the time to party" after hundreds congregated in North Dunedin yesterday.

Police Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond said at about 11pm police moved about 400 young people on from the lookout near the Northern Cemetery.

"Police are reminding the first year students that are arriving into Dunedin that now is not the time to party and to think about the consequences and risks of having large gatherings, and to abide by the Red setting rules."

This comes after police on Friday slammed a student party in London St, calling it "blatant stupidity". 

Covid-19 cases are continuing to grow in Dunedin and cases in the city are believed to be "much higher" than what has been reported, according to the Southern District Health Board.

Several O Week events were cancelled earlier this year due to the outbreak.

Police have also praised the residents of two flats in the student precinct who cancelled their parties tonight in response to growing case numbers in the area.

Police continue to do their patrolling in the North Dunedin area due to the number of young people arriving for what was supposed to be O Week celebrations, Snr Sgt Bond said.

Tonight police checked on two flats who were supposed to be having parties.

"One of them, a flatmate has tested positive for Covid, so they have cancelled their party as are self-isolating, and at the second address the flatmates are deemed close contacts, so again, the party has been cancelled," he said.

"Police would like to thank those students that have done the right thing and cancelled their parties for their common sense and good judgement."



