Changes had been signalled by the NZ Transport Agency for 2024-27.
"However, as this work is at least three years away, nothing has been confirmed at this point," senior safety engineer Roy Johnston said.
No safety work is planned for the SH1 intersection with SH86, which is the turnoff to the airport, because it is not considered a high-risk intersection.
Both intersections have in the past been highlighted as crash spots and safety improvements have been made at or near both in the past decade.
SH86 (Centre Rd) was widened in 2013, enabling airport traffic room to pass vehicles turning into Douglas St.
Mr Johnston said shoulder widening at Grey St allowed motorists to pass vehicles that slowed or stopped by the SH1 centre-line to turn right.
The SH1 speed limit through Allanton was also reduced to 80kmh in 2006 in an attempt to reduce the number and severity of crashes at the two intersections.
Fatal crashes were recorded in the area in 2003 and 2006, but total crash numbers appear to have tailed off in recent years.
There have been two serious-injury crashes at the intersections since 2016.
However, a submitter to the Dunedin City Council’s 2021-31 long-term plan called turning into Allanton from SH1 a "death trap", asking how many incidents it would take before a turning lane was created or the speed limit lowered.
Mr Johnston said changes to the Grey St intersection in 2024-27 could include a right-turn bay similar to the Centre Rd intersection.
An intersection speed zone featuring an electronic sign warning motorists to reduce their speed might also be brought in.
Mr Johnston said speed management investigations indicated the 80kmh limit was appropriate for SH1 through Allanton.