Motorists will see no parking changes on Dunedin's one-way system until at least July.
Dunedin city councillors this week voted to go ahead with short-term changes to improve cycling safety in areas of the system where the proposed work is already approved, after consultation with affected parties.
The changes include altering parking periods near cycle lanes, more widening of cycle lanes and installation of bollards to discourage motorists from crossing into cycleways.
Council senior traffic engineer Ron Minnema said the council's portion of the work was likely to start in July after it had received the final resolutions from councillors, a works programme was in place and the council's new roading contract had taken effect.
Discussions ordered by councillors on establishing an alternative location for a drop-off zone for the Cumberland St entrance to Dunedin Hospital would be held with the Southern District Health Board in the next few weeks and were not expected to hold up work.
The order of changes in various sections of the network was yet to be decided, and depended to an extent on the New Zealand Transport Agency's plans for its part of the work.
Further consultation on changes to the remaining sections of the system would be held in the coming months. The changes would have to be signed off by council before work could be undertaken, Mr Minnema said.