New Year's Eve around the South

Police were called to remove a man swimming in Lake Wanaka just before midnight as crowds packed...
Police were called to remove a man swimming in Lake Wanaka just before midnight as crowds packed the shoreline to wait for the fireworks. PHOTO: KERRIE WATERWORTH
The band Racing performs before the sold-out 10th annual Rhythm and Alps music festival in...
The band Racing performs before the sold-out 10th annual Rhythm and Alps music festival in Cardrona Valley as the sun sets on New Year’s Eve. PHOTO: KERRIE WATERWORTH
A busker draws a crowd on Queenstown’s waterfront. PHOTO: GUY WILLIAMS
A busker draws a crowd on Queenstown’s waterfront. PHOTO: GUY WILLIAMS
A smaller-than-usual crowd saw in the new year on Queenstown’s waterfront, enjoying a 10-minute...
A smaller-than-usual crowd saw in the new year on Queenstown’s waterfront, enjoying a 10-minute fireworks display launched from barges in Queenstown Bay. PHOTO: GUY WILLIAMS
People bid farewell to 2020 with a song and dance at the Party at the Harbour in Oamaru. PHOTO:...
People bid farewell to 2020 with a song and dance at the Party at the Harbour in Oamaru. PHOTO: RUBY HEYWARD
Katie Milne (5), of Invercargill, has fun in the sack race at the Papatowai Beach Carnival. PHOTO...
Katie Milne (5), of Invercargill, has fun in the sack race at the Papatowai Beach Carnival. PHOTO: RICHARD DAVIDSON

Across the South revellers farewelled the unprecedented year that was 2020, and welcomed in 2021 with a party.

Between Dunedin, Central Otago, Oamaru and Invercargill, fireworks lit up the sky at midnight and festival-goers danced into the new year.

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