The Dunedin Amenities Society has completed the first stage of upgrading one of the tracks on its Craigieburn property near Ross Creek.
A set of new steps was added to a steep section of the existing track to improve accessibility and safety for visitors to the area.
Society vice-president and retired civil engineer John Beekhuis designed the new steps and supervised their construction with a Dunedin builder and assistance from the Dunedin City Council's TaskForce Green Team.
Society president Paul Pope said the group planned to build similar steps at other locations on the lower section of the track later in the year.
"Having John's expertise is a great asset for our organisation and he has really shown his skill in this project,'' Mr Pope said.
The $4200 total cost of the project was below the $5000 budget.
The steps had made a marked difference in accessing the mature rimu area of the property, he said.
Craigieburn was bought by the society in 1950 and had been managed as a joint venture project with the council.