Neighbours to the Wingatui Racecourse have voiced their opposition to a proposed housing development at the site.
Earlier this month, the Otago Racing Club applied to the Dunedin City Council to rezone an area of its frontage on Gladstone Rd North from rural to residential. The rezoning would allow the creation of 11 lots for housing.
The club cited tough times for the racing industry creating a need for other forms of income as the reason for the application.
A meeting at the Wingatui Community Hall on Tuesday evening was attended by 27 locals. A show of hands indicated unanimous opposition to the
consent application.
Resident Mike McNulty said the biggest concern raised was the spread of urban sprawl. When he had bought his property near the racecourse 15 years ago it was on the understanding that it was in a rural area and this would not change.
''The line seems to be moving all the time,'' he said.
There were already several developments going on in the Taieri and Mr McNulty did not see why another was needed.
No-one attending the meeting had been consulted by the Otago Racing Club.
Some of those attending had found out about the proposed development through the media, while others had received notification of the application from the DCC in the mail, Mr McNulty said.
Residents were also concerned the development would destroy their rural views and make traffic management on race days even more problematic.
Two locals attending the meeting provided advice on the submissions process and Mr McNulty believed all meeting attendees would be submitting against the resource consent application.
In a statement, the Otago Racing Club said it was surprised to learn of the neighbours' concerns.
''The club considered that the land identified for new houses provides a logical connection with existing residential development and reflects the style of development on the other side of Gladstone Rd North.
''Nevertheless, the club will be pleased to discuss neighbours' concerns with them in the near future.
''The club understands that the resource consent process provides for meetings to be held and that might be appropriate in this case.''