Otago Nuggets captain Mark Dickel attended the event, whose theme this year emphasised breast-feeding for physical health and success.
Miss Sinclair said more mothers were feeding their babies for long periods, with the oldest breast-feeding child yesterday aged 2 years and six months.
Dunedin mother Megan Woodman said she considered it an achievement to have breast-fed her baby, 21-month-old daughter Aibhilinn Woodman-Shinnors, for so long.
Breast-feeding strengthened the relationship between mother and child and was good nutrition, she said. Yesterday's event was the 10th anniversary of Latch On, in which thousands of women breast-feed simultaneously in public events around New Zealand.
Figures show more than 84% of babies born in hospital are exclusively breast-fed on discharge, one of the highest rates in the OECD. However, by six months of age less than 20% are exclusively breast-feeding, one of the lowest rates in the OECD.