Mums, bubs latch on to breast-feeding event

Dunedin mother Megan Woodman and 21-month-old daughter Aibhilinn Woodman-Shinnors took part in...
Dunedin mother Megan Woodman and 21-month-old daughter Aibhilinn Woodman-Shinnors took part in the public breast-feeding event in Meridian mall. Photo Craig Baxter
More than 30 mums and babies participated in The Big Latch On in Meridian mall, organiser Natalie Sinclair said.

Otago Nuggets captain Mark Dickel attended the event, whose theme this year emphasised breast-feeding for physical health and success.

Miss Sinclair said more mothers were feeding their babies for long periods, with the oldest breast-feeding child yesterday aged 2 years and six months.

Dunedin mother Megan Woodman said she considered it an achievement to have breast-fed her baby, 21-month-old daughter Aibhilinn Woodman-Shinnors, for so long.

Breast-feeding strengthened the relationship between mother and child and was good nutrition, she said. Yesterday's event was the 10th anniversary of Latch On, in which thousands of women breast-feed simultaneously in public events around New Zealand.

Figures show more than 84% of babies born in hospital are exclusively breast-fed on discharge, one of the highest rates in the OECD. However, by six months of age less than 20% are exclusively breast-feeding, one of the lowest rates in the OECD.

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