Council and mayoral candidate Cr Lee Vandervis said he had made Official Information Act inquiries to learn why NZ Transport Agency had made ''quite extraordinary decisions'' enabling e-scooters to be reclassified for use on footpaths.
''We shouldn't have Lime scooters on our footpaths at all,'' he said.
He also warned that faster versions of personal electric vehicles would pose greater risks in future.
Green Dunedin mayoral and council candidate Cr Aaron Hawkins acknowledged the concerns and said the situation was ''frustrating for all concerned'', and more action at national and local levels was needed.
Changes to the council's mobile trading bylaw were already being considered, he told about 80 members of the public.
Cr Christine Garey said change at local government level ''happens glacially'', but faster action, partly to protect pedestrian safety, was needed.
Cr David Benson-Pope said there had been ''a bit of a plague'' or a litter of e-scooters left in some areas, and they should not be used in busy central city areas, and potential geofencing restrictions could be considered.
Also attending yesterday's meeting on pedestrian safety issues were Muthiah James, Marie Laufiso, Carmen Houlahan, Sarah Davie-Nitis, Jason Lindsey, Chris Staynes, Mandy Mayhem-Bullock, Finn Campbell, John Marrable, Bob Barlin, George Morris, Andrew Whiley, Richard Seager, Jim O'Malley, and Dave Hanan.
Statements from John Guthrie, Malcolm Moncrief-Spittle, Rachel Elder and Steve Walker, who could not attend, were also read at the meeting, organised by the Dunedin Pedestrian Action Network, at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery Auditorium.
Network co-convener Dr Lynley Hood said the ''very good'' meeting had shown ''very strong support'' for pedestrian safety.
Back the truck up the lot of you. Where were all these current councillors when Cull and Bidrose endorsed the Lime, and said they were OK against a lot of Dunedin Rate payers and people through out NZ. Cull was on the radio taking credit where is he now? Cull and Bidrose could have stalled these and said Not in Dunedin yet, but no they allowed them Bidrose even created a MOU with Lime (again has anybody seen it) and allowed these on streets, where were the trusted councillors above then? they are all back peddling you backwards swimmers. The only one with any clues appears to be the same Councillor, he being Cr Lee Vandervis who has asked NZTA why why why oh but that is classed as bullying in the eyes of you councillors CEO and Mayor. Again just like the Mitre 10 advert with the kids in the playground - No surprises there. The only one with any Clues is Cr Lee Vandervis who IMO is asking the correct questions but it should not be at the councillor level Cull and Bidrose should be asking these questions. Just goes to show Cr Lee Vandervis will be a great Mayor for Dunedin and has backs of the Dunedin People.
Lets take a look at the possible out comes of this election.
1. Vandervis gets elected he sits up the front and no one suports him due aggressive nature. He jumps up and down, throws his toys out of the cot and still gets no where. Then we get a massive public melt down and he is eventually removed after hundreds of thousands of legal costs.
2. He looses, then he continues with his alleged harassement of Cr's and Council staff.
Your call but #1 costs you as a rate payer more than #2.
The guy has to make an issue out of himself not being able to understand simple instructions on a parking meter.. that says it all.
Kezza, Lets ask Cull and Bidrose to lift the carpets they have been sweeping things under, The guy from the UK who stuffed up the cycleway design, on holiday and remained in the UK and I believe he got more coin from the council. The 3d Crossings $120,000 that are not NZTA Compliant but after the fact they are. The Citi car fraud, The drains, Purchase of Sammies The lack of reporting in the power pole maintenance Cull never had his finger on the pulse and as Mayor should have the power pole status reported to him. The lack of Mud tank maintenance, Flooding in South Dunedin, Where is the transparency and open honest ness in all of those?
Funny how the Harassment is just re surfacing now when they are deciding on a new Council/ Mayor soon. Smear campaign and shame on them, obviously they must feel threatened.
I suspect Bidrose will walk if Cr Lee Vandervis gets in because she will not be able to twist his little finger.
Kezza have you read the original matter? Parking meter in alleged P30 zone accepted an hour payment and Lee returned to the car within that hour but was fined anyway. Anybody would complain in his place. Investgation will show whether he crossed the line or not, but 'simple instructions'on parking meter were obviously messed up.
thank goodness they're standing up up to scooter bullies